Friday, August 1, 2014

"Mommy, lets do an activity"

Everyone knows this, but I'll say it again: life is a funny thing.

I have been doing more varied activities than ever with my kids; and the kids are, of course, as cute as ever, but I don't really have much to show for it (as far as blog pictures/posts) 

But I can share a few things.

First is this awesome website:

I signed up for the daily emails for activity ideas for William and Lily Anne (you sign up with your kids age and gender) and it has been GREAT!  I do not have the creative energy to come up with things for them to do every day, and this website just sends ideas!  For instance, one day I just put them in their booster seats at the table, gave them spoons and Tupperware and they moved dry pinto beans around for at least a half hour, William probably an hour. Another day I gave them some cotton balls, paper, and a little pile of glue and drew them shapes to glue the cotton into, another hit!  Or something as simple as showing William how to trace a "W" I had drawn with his finger--now he does that all the time.  Another day, We just cut scraps of paper and glued them to other scraps, home run!  William often asks if we can do 'gluing' or 'beans' or 'an activity'... it makes me happy :)

That said, I personally think that parents can be overly involved in coming up with activities for their kids.  Kids need to learn to create their own fun.  But, pardon the dog training analogy, its like dog training.  If Pico gets his walk, and a 5 min training session, he really is a pretty good puppy.  If I do one newish activity with the kids every day or two, they are much more willing to go outside and play in the yard by themselves.  And oh how I love to look out the window while I do dishes and see them push each other on the swing, or dig in the mud together. 

A lot of the emails remind me to let the kids help with chores.  At 8 months pregnant, with two little kids, that can be hard to do.  But I have been trying a little harder.  William really enjoys sorting laundry and putting dishes in the dishwasher.  It takes longer to let them help, and Lily Anne has her own ideas about how things should be done, but I do think its worth it to get them involved.

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