Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Both sides of this coin are cute and funny

Sometimes, my kids look like this:

(Do you love the way Lily Anne looks a tinge nervous sitting this close to William? 
Maybe below explains why...)

Sometimes they look like this:


William does the funniest things with Lily Anne

Today when Lily Anne would say anything, like "ba ba", William kept saying "Don't say, 'ba ba' baby!"  then she would say "ma ma mah" and he'd say "Don't say 'ma ma mah' baby!" he was a very good imitator and its so hard not to laugh!

And yesterday, the kids were a bit slap-happy from not enough naps on a usual Sunday and coming home past bedtime from a family event.  Weston and I were just talking when we noticed William laughing hysterically punctuated by Lily Anne yelling short, loud, yells--then we were all laughing :)


  1. Em! You blog! I love it! Your kids are so adorable.

    1. Li-sha! I do blog! And so do you, I discovered :) I'm glad you like my kids. I do too, and when I think I don't like them, I just watch funny home movies. ;) Man, its been so long I basically have a zillion questions about everything. But I hope life is treating you and Mikie well. Maybe you'll come down to Provo sometime?
